Rasmussen Reports: 59% Say U.S. Government Encourages Illegal Immigration

author Published by Admins


Rasmussen Reports released a new public opinion poll today that
shows a majority of Americans believe that the policies of the United States Government are
encouraging illegal immigration.

“The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters shows that 59% believe the policies and practices of the federal government encourage illegal immigration. Just 23% disagree while another 18% are not sure.”

70% of Republican voters and 61% of voters not affiliated with either party believe the government’s policies encourage illegal immigration, a view shared by 46% of Democrats.

The latest Rasmussen Reports poll results comes amidst the House Judiciary Committee mark up of H.R. 2885, the “Legal Workforce Act”. E-verify would require all businesses in the United States to use E-Verify within 2 years. The passage of H.R. 2885 would certainly decrease the notion among voters that the U.S Government supports illegal immigration.

A Rassmussen Reports article was used for this news post.

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