Obama Administration to Extend Temporary Protected Status for Illegal Aliens from Nicaragua and Honduras

author Published by Chris Chmielenski

The Obama Administration announced today that it is extending Temporary Protected Status for illegal aliens from Nicaragua and Honduras who are living in the United States. TPS for those nations was supposed to expire in July, but the Administration is extending the deadline for two more years.

Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee Lamar Smith (R-Texas) spoke out against the Administration’s decision.

“President Obama’s announcement of an extension of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for illegal immigrants from Honduras and Nicaragua stretches the definition of ‘temporary.’

“Only in Washington, DC, would anyone call 11 years – and counting – ‘temporary.’ TPS has become a stealth amnesty for illegal immigrants.

“Honduras and Nicaragua have long since recovered from the hurricane damage that resulted in the granting of TPS more than a decade ago. It’s time to end this stealth amnesty program and address illegal immigration.”

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