We Unveil First 2020 Rating for Top Democratic Candidates

author Published by Roy Beck

Let’s get beyond impressions and general attitudes about the Democratic front-runners’ positions on immigration issues.

Our Prez Grid focuses on the 7 candidates whose Real Clear Politics average polling number exceeded the 2% mark on Sep. 1.

That includes in alphabetical order Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, Beto O’Rourke, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Andrew Yang.

(As a Republican Primary becomes more clarified, we will rate and grade its candidates on the same criteria.)


Our Prez Grid Team has combed through the transcripts of the first two debates, candidate websites, news clippings from the campaign trail, and past records as office holders.

We have divided all the immigration issues that affect labor market competition for American workers into 11 categories and provided a rating in each category for each candidate.

Based on those 11 ratings, we have assigned an overall grade.

An “A” grade indicates a champion for a tighter labor market and more pressure to recruit and raise wages for American workers. An “F” grade indicates a champion for a looser labor market to help corporations hold down wages for workers and costs for consumers.


We know that people vote for candidates based on many issues, not just immigration. And on issues of character and experience.

Our role in each election cycle is to help voters know where candidates stand on the single issue of immigration. NumbersUSA never endorses any candidate, at any level. We simply educate the public on their immigration positions.

It is important that all candidates know how much their supporters want an immigration flow that is more moderate than today’s.

Click on the photo of any candidate in our Prez Grid to bring up the candidate’s individual immigration page and one or more ways to get in touch with that candidate.

It isn’t always easy to communicate WITH candidates who like much more to communicate TO us. But give it a try,

More to say later.

ROY BECK is Founder & President of NumbersUSA

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NumbersUSA provides the only comprehensive immigration grade cards. See how your member of Congress’ rates and find grades going back to the 104th Congress (1995-97).

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