New JOBS CAUCUS Is Serious About Putting Americans Back To Work (unlike most federal politicians)

author Published by Roy Beck

For 16 months, NumbersUSA has tried to focus politicians and news media on the fact that millions of jobless Americans could be put back to work if immigration policies were changed.  Now, a new Caucus in the U.S. House has been formed to promote the same message INSIDE Congress.

Politicians joining the Reclaim American Jobs Caucus make unemployed Americans a priority.

The leaders are Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), Rep. Sue Myrick (R-N.C.) and Rep. Gary Miller (R-California).

Congressmen Who…

Joined the Reclaim American Jobs Caucus
Updated Thursday, March 4, 2010, 10:21 PM EST – posted on NumbersUSA

Total 27 Members

(AL) Bachus
(AR) Boozman
(CA) Bilbray
(CA) Gallegly
(CA) Rohrabacher
(CA) Hunter
(CA) McKeon
(CA) Miller
(CA) Royce
(GA) Gingrey
(GA) Kingston
(IN) Burton
(IA) King
(KS) Tiahrt

(LA) Alexander
(MO) Akin
(NC) McHenry
(NC) McIntyre
(NC) Myrick
(TN) Roe
(TX) Carter
(TX) Conaway
(TX) Marchant
(TX) McCaul
(TX) Smith
(UT) Chaffetz
(WV) Capito

While most politicians talk about jobs but do nothing, growing numbers of U.S. Representatives are joining this new caucus that is pledged to start driving 8 million illegal aliens out of their jobs so they can be filled by unemployed Americans.

Make sure your Congressman has joined the RECLAIM AMERICAN JOBS CAUCUS.

Thus far, Congress has been paralyzed over whether to go further into deep debt to try to create new jobs. But this Caucus recognizes that millions of Americans could be put back to work for almost no cost simply by enforcing the law.

The caucus publicizes its specific mission to:

raise public awareness of the connection between illegal immigration and unemployment,
pressure the Administration to vigorously enforce the laws against the employment of illegal immigrants,
work to implement legislation that will protect American jobs from the impact of illegal immigration (especially to make E-Verify mandatory),
work to defeat legislation that will put American jobs at risk from the impact of illegal immigration (especially to defeat amnesty).

Click here for the most up-to-date list of Members of this Jobs Caucus.  If your Representative isn’t on this list, use our NumbersUSA free faxing system to urge membership.

— ROY BECK is Founder & CEO of NumbersUSA

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