Mingling with the Activists during my Boston Media Blitz

author Published by Andre Barnes

My trip to Boston was amazing! I gave two presentations, had an OP-ED published, and completed a radio show. I was out in Boston with the movers and shakers, who are pushing back against the open border narratives. I also had an opportunity to meet with a few community members and let them know more about NumbersUSA.

As Barbara Jordan stated above, we have not demagnetized our economy for illegal aliens seeking work. They have arrived in sanctuary cities in large numbers and resources have been commandeered to house, feed, and sustain them. The credibility of our immigration policies have been destroyed and it is the community members who are footing the bill. However, there have been activists who are pushing back against these policies and rallying community members to reclaim what belongs to them.  

Shawn Nelson and Catherine Vitale both ran for city council and together they protested mass immigration issues in Boston. When the Melnea Cass Recreation Center was taken to house illegal aliens, Shawn and Catherine sprang into action. They picketted with a handful of people and got immediate media attention. Feeling the pressure from the national media, the city had no choice but to return the recreation center back to the community.

Henry Barbaro is the executive director of the Massachusetts Coalition for Immigration Reform. During my trip to Boston, Henry was my hype man, my chauffeur, chef, editor, and an overall great host. He invited me to speak at an event called “Crisis at the Border” and I discussed the social implications of mass immigration. The purpose of the event was to provide people with information about the impact of mass immigration policy and encourage them to take action.

You can also check out the “Crisis at the Border” event below:

I speak around 17 minutes into the video. However, there were a lot of great speakers with fantastic information.

Lou Murray is a local Boston activist and regular contributor to the Boston Herald. He helped me get an OP-ED published and arranged an event for me with community members in the historic Roxbury neighborhood in Boston. During the community event, I discussed the effects mass immigration has on the Black community and introduced them to ways NumbersUSA can help.

You can download my presentation slides from the MCIR “Crisis at the Border” event below:


Antonia Edwards is the co-founder of SoliDarity. Her organization focuses on reparations but she understands the negative effects mass immigration has on the Black community. I actually connected her to Henry Barbaro so she could coordinate her efforts with MCIR (Massachusetts Coalition for Immigration Reform). Antonia is also interested in starting a local branch of NumbersUSA in Boston. 

“When marginalized people gain voice and center their own experiences, things begin changing”

-Janet Mock

While I was mingling with the activists, I noticed that there was a shift in the perception of the people. I noticed that no longer do people just want to sit idly by and complain. They want to learn about the issues in more detail and understand how they can take action. This was refreshing during my trip because most of the time people need to be motivated out of pessimism and indifference.  It was great to be in a place where people were fired up and ready to go! I can’t wait to go back!

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