Leveraging Hollywood: The Power of Film in Immigration Reform Advocacy

By admin

In a groundbreaking move that merges the worlds of advocacy and entertainment, NumbersUSA has partnered with noted Hollywood filmmaker, Namrata Singh Gujral, to shed light on the critical issues surrounding national security and immigration policy.

State E-Verify Statutes

By Chris Pierce

States have taken action to reduce hiring illegal aliens: learn more about E-Verify statutes and their requirements. Discover more.

Biden Legal Pathways Strategy Meets Reality

By Jared Culver

As we prepare to leave January 2024 behind (already!?), the Biden Administration has finally confirmed that there were a record 371,436 encounters of illegal immigrants nationwide, with 302,034 of those encounters at the border, alone, in just this past December. The Administration also bragged about recruiting and releasing, under parole, approximately 327,000 individuals from countries … Continued

Government Says Asylum Fraud is “Endemic” and Reason System is “Broken”

By Chris Chmielenski

Immigration Attorney Julia Greenberg was convicted of defrauding the asylum system late last year and is approaching her sentencing date soon. Along with an organization called “Russian America,” Greenberg coached clients to lie under oath and fabricated false stories for their asylum applications. This even included having an applicant pretend he was homosexual to boost … Continued

DHS Extends Temporary Protected Status to Cover Nearly 500k Aliens

By Chris Chmielenski

Milton Friedman once wrote “Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program.” While evidence of this truism abounds, one of the greatest examples is Temporary Protected Status (TPS). The Biden Administration just announced a massive expansion of TPS for Venezuela that the government estimates extends protection from removal and employment authorization documents (EADs) to … Continued

Rejecting the Bipartisan Agreements of Columnists

By Andrew Good

Last week, one of The New York Times‘ conservative columnists, Bret Stephens, and one of their liberal columnists, Gail Collins, published a back-and-forth on their view of some of the currently hot political issues. Not surprisingly, they started with the migrant crisis. The week before that, one of The Washington Post‘s conservative columnists, Marc Thiessen, … Continued

Requiem for a Dream: DACA Goes Down While DHS was Sleeping

By Chris Chmielenski

Southern District of Texas District Court Judge Hanen finally ruled against the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program after years of legal back-and-forth. The short (by judicial standards) 40-page opinion is a bit anticlimactic, largely because the Federal government put up very little fight. In fact, if you examine the history of DACA closely, … Continued

The New York Times Has an Immigration Hot Take

By Chris Chmielenski

In other breaking news, the Earth revolves around the sun. Andrea Flores, an immigration policy advisor under both Presidents Obama and Biden, is going to tell us how to fix the immigration system. Apparently, letting everyone enter the country with employment authorization is the correct answer to driving down the illegal entries. How would rolling … Continued

Scars of Stagnant Wages and Misplaced Priorities

By Jeremy Beck

Immigration By the Numbers: Catch and Release 40% of migrants released by the Biden Administration never checked in; Another 40% never received a “notice to appear” at all; 82% of migrants released have not been entered into the court docket. Of the 18% who have been entered into the court docket, most will wait years … Continued